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We offer dyslexia training to schools, training providers and employers.
Bespoke training can be delivered to meet individual and specific needs.


Dyslexia Awareness Training for Schools (both Primary and Secondary)
This training often includes provision of information around:
Background and Other Specific Learning Difficulties
Key facts about dyslexia

Diagnostic assessment for dyslexia
Interpreting diagnostic assessment reports
Co-occurring difficulties
What dyslexia is not!
Identification and Typical Difficulties Evident
Warning signs in identification in students
Typical difficulties in literacy and maths in dyslexic students
Working memory difficulties
Development of spelling skills
Classroom Accommodations including:
Technological support for reading, spelling, writing
Supporting maths development
Spellings and spelling test
Supporting writing development
Access arrangements in tests and formal exams
Revision and exam techniques
Dyslexia Awareness for Employers
This training often includes provision of information around:
Background and Other Specific Learning Difficulties
Key facts about dyslexia
Diagnostic assessment for dyslexia
Interpreting diagnostic assessment reports
Co-occurring difficulties
What dyslexia is not!
Identification and Typical Challenges Evident
How to remove barriers to attainment and performance in the workplace
Bespoke Training
Courses can be individualised to particular requirements as required.
Topics that can be covered include:
The structure of the English Language and resultant difficulties encountered by dyslexic students when learning to read and write
Developing word attack skills for reading, spelling and proofreading
Developing higher level reading skills
Developing writing skills
Developing effective note taking skills
Revision strategies
Helping students learn and remember and retrieve new topic specific vocabulary
Developing personal organisation skills
Short term and working memory difficulties and strategies to overcome them
Adjustments in the learning/work environment such as school/college to become “dyslexia friendly”
Screening for and assessment of dyslexic difficulties (available tests, administration, interpretation of results)
Understanding a Psychological Assessment Report
Assistive technologies (e.g., text to speech software, speech recognition software, mind mapping programmes)
Structured Multi-Sensory Teaching Programmes (e.g., Active Literacy Kit, Units of Sound)
Exam technique (e.g., Question the question, essay planning, survival skills, using additional time effectively)
How to book
To book or enquire about any teaching, assessments or courses, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.